[dev] st: enlarge font
Nuno Teixeira
2021-03-20 12:01:42 UTC

config.def.h says:
static char *font = "Liberation Mono:pixelsize=12:antialias=true:autohint=true";

st -f "Liberation Mono":pixelsize=16 is my desired size.

I will create a config.h with:
static char *font = "Liberation Mono:pixelsize=16:antialias=true:autohint=true";

And compile with it, is that the correct way to do it?
How do I tell st to use my desired font size instead of using
Ctrl-Shift-Page Up?
You can configure this via the '-f' flag or 'font' in config.h by appending ":pixelsize=SIZE" to the font description.
As a example, if you use 'monospace' as a font you will need to use 'monospace:pixelsize=X' and find your desired font size.
You can check https://www.freedesktop.org/software/fontconfig/fontconfig-user.html for more properties you can set.
Alex D.
RedXen System & Infrastructure Administration
Страхиња Радић
2021-03-20 14:09:46 UTC
Post by Nuno Teixeira
st -f "Liberation Mono":pixelsize=16 is my desired size.
static char *font = "Liberation Mono:pixelsize=16:antialias=true:autohint=true";
And compile with it, is that the correct way to do it?
It will work, but more correct would be to change config.def.h, per

config.h: config.def.h
cp config.def.h config.h

Also, in the future you can also try setting different values for
"size=" instead of "pixelsize=", as it works better for some fonts.
Markus Wichmann
2021-03-31 03:40:39 UTC
The Suckless community is international, and many of course do not speak
English -- in particular American English -- as a primary language. But as
an American, the word used in that email address is beyond vulgar, and
extremely -- uniquely -- offensive. I agree with Wesley that that email
address should be removed from the list.
As a non-American, I wonder what it matters what people set their e-mail
addresses to. Although, yes, I am getting 12-year-old vibes from that
address (similar to the classic bash.org quote, where a guy with the
nickname "h1tler" asks how everyone knew they were 12 years old).

On a more practical note, I have not received the original mail at issue
here. Was it not addressed to dev@? Or was the address so offensive,
some mail provider on the way already filtered it?

2021-03-31 02:05:52 UTC
The Suckless community is international, and many of course do not speak
English -- in particular American English -- as a primary language. But as
an American, the word used in that email address is beyond vulgar, and
extremely -- uniquely -- offensive. I agree with Wesley that that email
address should be removed from the list.
As an American myself, if you're going to make an appeal to American
sensibilities, I believe removing someone from the mailing list on the
basis of skin tone would be considered offensive.

Personally, I don't care much either way & I know you(and Wesley) probably
have good intentions - just wanted to offer my input as an American.
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